I walked up and down a few isles and was stopped by a lady with a crackling voice and at first glance what appeared to be horrible burns or scales all over her body. She called me over to her and I stopped as she begin to speak in a soft and trembling voice.
"I know I look frightening. Most people don't come near me. I'm not contagious and you can't catch what I have. I have a skin disease and I was born this way. Most people call me a freak and try to avoid me or even run". As she spoke these words tears fell from her saddened eyes. Her lonely scared eyes that barley had eyelids to cover them. She was overwhelmed with shame and my heart ached for her, but she put out her poor shaking hand and I took it in mine and shook it.
She wiped her tears and began again. " The skin disease I have is painful. I usually have to soak in a tub for an hour a day and then apply a lotion immediately after. I cant actually dry. I have to pat dry." Wiping more tears she continued " My friend told me she would meet me at Target to help me get the lotion I needed, but that was three hours ago and now I don't know what to do. Target doesn't even have it now. All these people just stare at me. They think I am this horrible disgusting person, and now I'm here and have no way to get what I need and no way to get back."
Tears poured down her face and my eyes filled with tears of my own. I could sense her pain, but could never imagine how she truly felt...alone, scared, helpless, disgraced? I ached for her. About this time my husband walked up and heard the last bit of the conversation, but looking at my face he knew exactly what we needed to do. We gave her the money to compensate for the lotion she needed plus extra, then a younger lady standing beside us also found it in her heart to help. Mrs. Sugar, as her friends call her, was now able to get what she needed including food and a way home!
Mrs. Sugars tears of pain turned to those of someone who was grateful and felt loved. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me continuing to thank me. I told her that she deserved it, and how much God loved her, then explained that I was happy to help her. We talked for a few more minutes followed by several more hugs and then she rushed out the door to go get her special lotion.
Tyler(my husband) and I stood there with such emotion. We both ached inside for this lady. We felt that we wished we could do more. We left Ross and headed towards Walmart. Sure enough walking down the sidewalk towards Walmart was Mrs. Sugar, so I pulled the car over and asked her to let us drive her.
In the car she shared more of her story and the trials and suffering she had been through. Though beaten down she still had hope. She still had faith in the Lord and a gracious spirit. Before we left tonight we made sure she had our phone number and I do hope she will call. We may have done something small by giving her what she needed, but she did something big for me.

God always puts us where we need to be. He knew that I would meet Mrs. Sugar today and that somehow we would see a bigger picture. Hearing her tell of how others look down on her and think of her that way broke my heart. It also made me think of Proverbs 14:31 - Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him. By helping those in need we are giving honor to God! We shouldn't look down on others and shame them. We should be like Christ called us to be! We are called to love and be imitators of Him!
God wants us to Love! He wants us to give! John 13:34-35 says - A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” If you also read Matthew 22:37-39 you will see the first and greatest commandment -“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”
My hope is that we can all find a way to help others. To pour out Gods love and give strength to someone in need. I am still emotional after today, but I thank God for letting me meet Mrs. Sugar and allowing me to help her in some small way. She helped me too and opened my eyes to see certain things differently. I hope to see her again and I pray God keeps his hand on her through her journey.
Love and Hugs,
Brandi J
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1 comment:
May God break our hearts for what breaks His... The wounded souls are in need of healing and love is the only thing that can touch it.
People are more important than things...In fact they are eternal. We should put our highest priority on feeding His sheep physically, mentally / emotionally and spiritually until they are moved by the rejuvenated spirit which will compel the soul to engage our body to do the good that He would through our total being.
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