God didn't call us to be like other Christians, he called us to be like Him! Ephesians 5:1-2 tells us "Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God."
I have been praying for wisdom and guidance in my daily life. In this world we are faced with the struggle of crazy schedules, long work hours, demanding family members, children who need us, and the constant urge to rush. We feel like we need to get everything accomplished and feel like we fail when we don't. Sometimes we need a break! Sometimes we need to step back and take a look around us. When you give your cares to God, and rest you will be amazed at how your eyes open!

Today our family piled in the car after church and I tried to mentally prepare myself for our usual argument over what we would eat. If you know our family, then you know food choice is never something easily agreed upon. We had a few things we needed to do today, so I opted for a quick choice. I suggested Arby's and all at once everyone seemed to love the idea. "WOW" I thought to myself as I put the car in reverse and headed to Arby's .
We all went in, ordered our food, and sat down to eat. After blessing the food we all dug in. A few minutes later a man came in the side door. His clothes were ripped and somewhat dirty, and he held his head down as he crossed the lobby and headed for the drink machine with a battered and old drinking cup that had seen better days. I watched as he glanced to see if any workers were watching him, then he picked up a napkin carefully wiping out the cup, and cautiously began filling it with water. When his cup was almost full he put his head down and quickly walked back through the lobby and out the door. I could hear snickering and gasps coming from the other table, but my heart broke for this man. He was not begging, he didn't ask for a thing, he simply needed water. I couldn't take it. I needed to help. Tyler immediately jumped to his feet and rushed out to get him. "Are you hungry?" Tyler asked motioning for the man to come back in. "No thank you." he replied to Tyler looking embarrassed. "Sir, please let us get you something to eat." he continued "I was in your shoes before and I know how this is. Please let us at least get you some lunch." Hesitantly the man walked back through the door with Tyler shaking his hand.

I won't go into any more detail about today, but I will say that it brought me to tears. The harsh and cruel things people can say break my heart. Sometimes people are so quick to judge. Even as Christians we can still have that tendency. I in no way want this to be a broadcast of a "good deed" or an "act of kindness". I didn't write this to tell the world we did something good. In fact I didn't want to tell anyone. What I want to get across is that we need to step back and see what is going on around us. We are all busy and rushing around. We all feel at times our lives are hectic and that we have too much to handle, or have to much on our plate. What if we were in that situation? What if we were the ones who just wanted a glass of water. What if we were the ones getting disgusted looks and harsh remarks.
I feel that God put us there today because that man needed us. It could have been anyone, but God put in on our hearts to help. Christ loves each and every one of us. We all grew up hearing that song "Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world". We are ALL his children every one of us. It doesn't matter if you are rich, just getting by, or don't have a dime to your name. He loves us all! It is our job as Christians to love our neighbor as Christ loves us. We don't shun or shame others. We love them.

When we do good and share we are pleasing God! Hebrews 13:16 says "Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God." You don't help someone because you think others will see or know. You help because you want to please God. There was a reason God put us there today and I praise Him for allowing that sweet man to have a meal.
When your days get too stressful or you feel like you can't deal with everything around you just take a breathe. Look up and pray this prayer :
Dear Lord I come to you now and I need your help.
I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders and
I can't do this alone. I know with you Lord I don't
have to do it alone! I trust in Your unfailing love
and strength!You Lord can overcome it all!
Lord God I ask that you take this burden and
stress and give me peace. Help me stay focused on You
and allow me to glorify you throughout my day.
I thank you Lord for all you have
given me and I praise your Holy Name.
In Jesus Name. Amen.
Love and Hugs!
Brandi Jones
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